A review by chiobasiwrites
Fiancé by Friday by Catherine Bybee


Awful Main Character

I have to start by saying that I love this author and until this point I haven't read a single thing she's written that I didn't like. This, however, was the exception. I find the main character Gwen to be so obtuse, spoiled, and childish in how she handles things that even when she's in literal danger it's difficult to root for her. Even in a disastrous situation she found time to be petulant about not getting her way. At the very, very end of the book she has a few redeeming moments, but there's not enough character development to make it feel like she's really grown up or changed. Again, Catherine is an amazing author with a talent for bringing her heroines to life - but in this instance the heroine is more than a bit bratty. If you're trying to read the whole series I recommend reading for continuity's sake but if you're just looking for a fun beach read, I'd skip this one.