A review by jfbfsf
The Wrong One by Dervla McTiernan


This book was unsatisfying.

The story felt muddled. The ending didn't really track for me - there was a little supernatural, a little deception, a little bad guy... just a little bit of a lot of ideas that kind of got mushed together into a story. So many moments/ developments felt unbelievable to me. It just felt like the author had a few good threads, and for some reason decided not to flesh any of them out, or work out the kinks in the narrative, but just jam them together into a novella. I also don't think I like the supernatural angle from this author - the other books I've read by her have been pretty straightforward crime/detective stories.

There were two readers; I thought one of them was miscast/ didn't love his interpretation. Then at the end I realized that the affect that I didn't like might have been on purpose... but that didn't make listening to it better. Also, all the other books I've listened to by this author have been read by a woman with a lovely Irish lilt - it's quite possible that this book might have been better if it were read by her.