A review by jbarr5
Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson


Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson
I wanted to read this series of book because I love the stories of Maid Marian and Robin Hood and their escapades.
this first one is at least 600 pages long as is the second one in the series.
Starts out with Marian's father dying and Robert was with him at the battle. She's a tough strong one and now the sheriff wants to marry her. She sticks up for those less fortunate and gains them a bit of freedom, sometimes.
This last time the sheriff had a plan to not kill the murderer of 4 but to let him fight Little John, who is the opposite of his name sake. If he survives then he won't be killed. But nobody saw what would happen-he escaped and kidnapped Marian.
Robert goes back to his castle for recruitment and meets up with his daughter Eleanor who he had attempted to get married but he found out she's slept with every male out there and she just wants Alan the minstrel. We are able to track Marian as she's thrust onto Will Scarlet's back as they track through the woods.
They never expected the tracker to find them and now the showdown...
Lots of action and back story to this tale, loving every minute of it.
Fascinating to learn of all the clothing the women wear and all the skills Marian has with weapons. Love she is able to show up the experts from time to time.
Within one chapter there are breaks between groups of people, at the same time while one is searching for the minstrel, there is a fight with the murderer while in another scene the castle receives a visitor.
Kinda interesting how after one thing is finished the people from that group spread out and turn up at other places with other skirmishes.
Like it's all gonna go full circle. Robin/Robert is still holding out and she loves to hear his laugh.
A lot of the problems arise from the political classes: the Normans and the Saxons.
Love how some assume something and it's no where near the truth. Love how she tells her story to Robin after he's saved her and now she's saving him...
Situation really heats up when Robin finds out the sheriff wants to wed Marian. Great to know and understand what happened between Robin and his father and the whole start of the merry band of men...
593 pages long and I can't wait to start book 2 of this saga.
I received this book from The Kennsington Books in exchange for my honest review.