A review by casskrug
Worry by Alexandra Tanner


this one is for the sisters. jules and poppy are two sisters in their 20s living together in nyc, and worry follows them as they navigate their relationships (with each other, with their parents, with men), deal with both physical and mental health issues, obsess over strangers on the internet, and adopt a dog together. alexandra tanner’s take on sisterhood really showcased the way that sisters know exactly what to do or say to piss you off in a very specific way, but they are also the person who can make you laugh harder than anyone because you’ve had so many experiences together. they’re the person you would do anything for, even if you’re a bit too mean to each other sometimes (you always feel bad about it afterwards). tanner really pushes that dynamic to the extreme with the characters of jules and poppy, and gives us a funny, relatable, honest depiction of two girls finding their way through the strange world we were living in in 2019. 

i had a lot of fun reading this - it was very no plot, just vibes, just hanging out with these characters. the dialogue was well-written and made me laugh. it was another book that was easy to sink into, that made me feel seen as i go through messy, uncertain parts of my life. not sure how sticky it will be in my brain as time passes, but the experience of reading it was enjoyable, so i can’t complain! it’s been nice to read some rompier, more humorous lit fic books for a change this month!