A review by ghostlyweeds
The Diviners by Libba Bray


My thoughts on this book feel very scattered and unformed. I’m pretty sure I’ve already decided to give this book another read through but to include the audiobook as well to give me more from the characters. I thought the beginning was a strong start but then I felt that I kept lagging behind. I can appreciate seeing the different characters and learning of their history and individual stories that will converge at some point but I could never get to a point of full investment with a character before the next chapter would be someone else once again.

Maybe at the end I got to the point of being like “hmmm, there is something good here and I’m just not getting it”. So until I give this another read through I am going to withhold an official review and rating.

//edited on 6/2/23
…after thinking on this for a few days I have decided that I’m not going to give this book a reread. While I believe I might have gleaned something more from the characters if I would have followed along with an audiobook, I don’t think it’s going to be a book that absolutely shakes the foundation of my reality and I don’t feel an interest in continuing the series. It was a good book and the characters were just fine but ultimately I think what hindered my enjoyment of this book was the length of it and yet never having enough time to fully bond with a character before I’m moving onto another.

2.5 ⭐️