A review by lisawreading
Racing Savannah by Miranda Kenneally


If you’re looking for a light, upbeat, contemporary young adult novel, Racing Savannah definitely fits the bill. Racing Savannah is, overall, a feel-good story about love overcoming obstacles. It’s not really a spoiler to say that there’s a happy ending; it’s perfectly obvious that things will work out. The two lead characters are clearly good people — so it’s only a question of how they’ll work past their differences, not if.

The writing is mostly light and breezy, entertaining even when dealing with serious matters. I enjoyed the author’s sense of humor, which is quirky enough to catch me by surprise throughout the book.

There are some good messages about girl power, respecting oneself enough to demand respect from others, and pursuing one's dreams -- but none of this feels heavy-handed or preachy. The portrayals of the various characters avoid teen cliches, which I really appreciated.

All in all, I’m glad to have been introduced to a new-to-me author who takes such a clear-eyed view of life as a teen-aged girl. Miranda Kenneally creates strong, memorable female characters, without skimping on the fun and romance of being young and discovering life.

I received a review copy of Racing Savannah from the publisher. My full review is posted at Bookshelf Fantasies.