A review by the_gare_bear
The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune


I will say, I have become an incredibly big fan of TJ Klune's work. I have a feeling that I will be busy for a while reading through his books because I really enjoy the way he writes.

The Lightning-Struck Heart gave me all the feels. The bantering that is done in this book is beyond appalling, very sexually provocative, and even blatantly filled with bad puns and very imaginative use of words. I have to say, that is honestly one of the best things about this book. I love appalling and have a filthy mouth myself, so I couldn't have asked for more!

There are a few things that did strike a cord with me though. Firstly, the sheer obliviousness of the main character just began to feel super hard to believe. But then again the secondary characters took every chance they had to call him out on it. But going 75 percent of the way through and still dealing with someone who has just quite literally decided to not see what is in front of him, started wear on me a little.

The only other thing that really hit me hard was one of the conversations that was had between the main character and his nemesis (well sort of nemesis). What was said to the main character was so utterly cruel and heartless it just filled me with disgust and honestly made me incredibly heartbroken that someone would do that to someone else. But the reason it hit so hard is because that's life. There are people who will do and say things sometimes that are truly just horrible. I hated that it happened in the book and I don't know that I will ever like that character for what they did/said.

These are just the little things that irritated me, but overall I love the sarcasm, I love the sexual joking, it's just a lot of fun. I am looking forward to jumping into the next book in the series.