A review by alireads215
Every Lie I've Ever Told by Rosie Waterland


Rosie Waterland has been skating around my field of vision for awhile now... My friends keep recommending books, podcasts, reviews by this mysterious Rosie Waterland and I have been stubbornly avoiding them. Finally - A friend gave me a stack of books with a stickynote on one... "This one I want back!"
And... I get it! Every Lie I've Ever Told is the first book in a long time that has made me cry as well as laugh out loud (in public!!!) This book recounts a number of Rosie's most private, heart wrenching but also hilarious moments.

Rosie's style is casual, painfully honest, clever and hilarious. I loved this book and I can't wait to see what she does next.

Now excuse me... I have some podcasts and a book to explore.