A review by amesqueak
How to Diagnose a Changeling by Cameron J. Quinn


Changeling came in even stronger than the first episode of the Starsboro Chronicles: How to Get Arrested. The book touched on some very real themes of motherhood, addiction, and when and how to save someone you love when you just don't recognize them anymore. Quinn handled this in an elegant and fun way, far from overplaying any of this. The characters remained snappy yet relatable, and I very much enjoyed getting to know them better. We see Morgan's alcoholism slide in and out of view, adding a layer of realistic struggle to her character, without dragging the reader down.

Changeling promises some overarching plot points that I am looking forward to Quinn revisiting: some shady nuns, Morgan's search for Trent and Zurik's identity, and the introduction of a new member of the team. The world is definitely building, momentum is taking hold, and I'm excited to see where this goes.