A review by khornstein1
Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family by Susan Katz Miller


Thank you, Susan. This is an excellent book. Well written, well edited and best of all, not apologetic at all! I was so glad to read a book that is so clearly enthusiastic about the experience of raising children in more than one faith. I found myself saying "amen" (silently, in my head, since I was on the plane) almost every page!

I really hope that this book gets widely read and distributed. I feel that the interfaith communities where children are educated and families celebrate are still really hidden, so that when people do hear about them they act as if they are part of some crazy, untested theory rather than something that has been going on for years. I was surprised at how old some of the "where are they now?" kids were!

I also want to thank you for your honesty in sharing your story. It's not easy. I totally understand the "sighs" you talk about. Good work.