A review by saturndoo
Frenemy of the People by Nora Olsen


HMMMMMMMMM......this wasn't a horrible book BUT it wasn't a great book either. I had such high hopes for it as I feel like there is a need for more F/F books.There are tons and tons of M/M books out there which a lot of them are really good. So when you pick a F/F book you expect the same but for some reason the F/F books just are NOT that great which is really sad. Is it harder to write a f/f book?

I was disappointed in the execution of this one. The way the MC(Clarissa) "came out" was horrible. I thought she would have come out of the closet throwing hangers.Instead it was just "I am bisexual" now move on. WTH...THAT'S IT SMH.....ok whatever.After the announcement she had to Prove to herself that she was bisexual by kissing a complete stranger that she knew was a lesbian. UNBELIEVABLY STUPID Whatever....moving on. The romance......well it was basically Clarissa and Lexie were together/dated 30 mins and it was over because of a horse. Once again....STUPID Got back together and THE END OF THE BOOK. EXCUSE ME but Lexie, well let's just say I don't know any teenager who could possibly understand or know as much as she did about mortgages and the legalities of owning a house as she did. There are adults who have to seek professional help because they don't know. So that was just totally unbelievable. Desi with her side story, was probably the only believable and best part of this book.

Lots and lots of info dumping going on in this quick read. Therefore, it had a very shallow plot. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone unless you just need a LGBT book that you can read rather quickly.