A review by heatheradoresbooks
The House Guest by Hank Phillippi Ryan


Genre ~ domestic thriller
Publication date ~ February 7, 2023
Est page Count ~ 317
Audio length ~ 10 hours and 46 minutes
Narrator ~ Stephanie Willing
POV ~ 3rd
Featuring ~ secrets, lies, gaslighting

Alyssa and Bree have just met and Alyssa is already offering her a place to stay. Who in their right mind would invite a stranger to live with them? Crazy birds that's who.

Meh, I wasn't overly thrilled with this one. I can't think of one character I liked. It was on the slow side for quite a while, but then eventually picked up a bit. Repetitiveness galore ~ I felt like I was hearing 'soon to be ex-husband' or 'we're separated' a bazillion too many times. I might have zoned out for a few minutes because I am not even sure if the loose end of Tammy (I think that's the housekeepers name) was tied up. I'll round up to 3 since I didn't see a twist coming. This is my first experience with this author and while I wasn't thrilled I will read another one to see if she's for me.

Narration notes:
While the narration was done well, I think I might have liked it better if I read it, but I'll never know because I'm not a re-reader.

Nothing to do with anything, but I like how the lipstick matches the author's name on the cover.

*Thanks to the author, MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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