A review by wolffe
The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack


As witch-powered supernatural being huntress stories go, this one was just okay. The premise is fairly tired and I found myself rolling my eyes at several points. What 22 year old woman is going to find out someone is keeping an important secret from her and just let it go for a while? That's right. None. But this one does. There are a myriad of other plot and character problems that pulled me out of the story at several points along the way, but honestly the whole thing felt very tired, derivative and overdone. A few simple tweaks would have gone a long way to saving the whole thing. *Why is it always sex? How come nobody comes up with a better way to come into power?

There was nothing that made me want to read the sequels - wait, take that back. I thought the addition of the familiar in the sequel preview chapter at the very end was done well and I approved of the choice of animal. But that's not enough to make me want to read the whole thing.

There's a glimmer of a fine author in there, and with a bit more experience, imagination and coming into her own voice I think Jack could turn out a good read. Maybe she just needs to have hot sex with a veritable stranger to come into her power as a writer.