A review by moonpie
His Hideous Heart: 13 of Edgar Allan Poe's Most Unsettling Tales Reimagined by Dahlia Adler


His Hideous Heart is a collection of thirteen Poe stories rewritten by current YA authors—which probably gives you an idea of the overall tone of the reworked pieces. I thought this was a decent collection that didn't quite fulfill its potential; there were four? five? stories I wouldn't have missed if they weren't included, and there were only a couple of standouts that I'll remember three months from now, but it was a neat idea. Could have been worse, could have been better.

(I read this on my Kindle and didn't realize the original Poe versions of the stories were included in the back half of the book. I wish I'd realized it at the start, because ideally I'd have (re)read the Poe version, then read the new spin on it.)