A review by zany07
Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott


Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book. I chose to review it and this in no way impacts my opinion of it.

When I read the synopsis of Pretty Fierce I was quite interested. The daughter of professional assassins? Colour me intrigued. One of my favourite series by Kelley Armstrong is about a hit-woman so this novel seemed right up my alley. Kieran Scott did not disappoint.

This novel had me grabbed right from the very first chapter. Even though I’ve been struggling with a slump lately, Pretty Fierce kicked my butt into gear and I finished it in a day. I had finally found a novel to grab my interest enough to get me reading through this slump.

Pretty Fierce was action packed and thrilling right until the very end. I couldn’t put the novel down and was dying to know how it would end. It seemed that as many answers Kaia found, just as many questions popped up.

The story switches between Kaia and Oliver’s point of views in alternating chapters and I found this rather enjoyable. I’m not usually big on books that change point of views, but I found it to be really well done.

I highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys action and thrillers. You won’t be disappointed with Pretty Fierce.