A review by foxon
A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander


This book is just flying by. We jump from scene to scene with no prelude and all the problems of the last two are in full force. Why does everyone in Emilys life need to repeat how smart and beautiful she is? I mean, really, does show not tell mean anything to this author? It is annoying to have her Mary Sueing about all the time. And the way she 'investigates' seems to be to magically meet people who can help her. If Emily wants to be Colins equal, then she should start by treating him as one and not hiding things from him. And if she wants a different type of marriage, then she should ask her fiancé the questions she has and not just sit there and brood about them. It was very frustrating and the readers dont even get the relief at the end of answers!
So, Emily is boring, Colin is holding back, Jeremy is charming and the best character (truly he is too funny for Emily) and the mystery really takes a back seat in this one.
Also, how can Emily be considered an 'expert' in Greek when she has been studying it for a year? And she can walk through a house and find all the things worth being in a museum how, exactly? She has no training!


Being good at everything and charming everyone all the time does not an interesting character make. Her 'bad' traits are being, what, adventurous? She does seem to go off (after repeated death threats) by herself all the time, despite saying she wont. I just don't know about this series.