A review by novelvisits
The Banker’s Wife by Cristina Alger


My Thoughts: Suspense novels generally aren’t my thing, but when smart ones comes along, I like to give them a try. The Banker’s Wife was not only smart, it was also original and truly suspenseful. Alger’s story of a young wife who losses her Swiss banker husband in a questionable plane crash, and a reporter newly engaged to a presidential candidate’s son, kept me turning pages late into the night. The connections between the two women’s stories quickly became clear, yet each storyline progressed largely on its own which worked well in this book. The back and forth revealing of secrets, Ponzi schemes, money laundering, off-shore accounts and murder kept the suspense ratcheted up throughout. For me, The Banker’s Wife’s flaws fell in the second half of the book where too many new characters were brought on board and the telling became muddied. I found it difficult to keep track of all the details and ended up sort of ignoring some of the story’s intricacies. Still, I managed to guess the ending and I know lovers of suspense will thoroughly enjoy The Banker’s Wife. Grade: B-

Original Source: https://novelvisits.com/summer-mini-reviews-clock-dance-lululemons-bankers-wife/