A review by divapitbull
Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole


Poor Cadeon is a demon between a rock and a hard place: woo and win the mate he's waited 900 centuries for...or fulfill his promise to restore his brother's crown and free the oppressed demons of his native Rothkalina by turning her over to a sorcerer who wants to use her as the vessel to spawn the ultimate evil. Luckily Nix, the Ever-Knowing, Proto-Valkyrie, Soothsayer without equal and matchmaker of the Lore, is on hand to set things up and guide everyone in the right direction.

I enjoyed both Cadeon and Holly. Cadeon is the ultimate crude, lewd, obnoxious, chauvinistic/misogynistic hero with the ooey-gooey sensitive core. Holly was innocent (which I generally don't care for) but her innocence had a twist. Since she was half human and unbeknownst to her, half Valkyrie; she had lots of instincts and traits she didn't understand. For example, her lack of sexual experience was not due to a prudish mind set or lack of interest but rather stunted by the fact that she almost seriously hurt and completely terrorized her first encounter with her freakish strength and intense appetites. Holly therefore sublimated her desires through obsessive compulsive behaviors and medicated the ones she couldn't sublimate. Once the change was upon her and she transitioned to full valkyrie...after a few initial misgivings, she really took to it like a fish to water.

I did think the ending wrapped things up rather quickly; but the IAD series are light, fun books...a little romance, a bit of action, some humor...and this installment stayed true to form.