A review by geo_ix
XVI by Julia Karr


2.5 stars.

There were times the book & Nina in particular felt very… slut shamey? She didn’t want to have sex because she saw what I’m guessing was abusive porn her step dad had, and was traumatised by it, so her friend who was like all the other girls (not like Nina she had very pick me vibes and even said at the start she’s not like other girls) was super into boys and dressed for boys attention & Nina focused on it so much, and kept warning her friend sex wasn’t everything etc etc and judged her for wanting to be part of a program that made her popular & moved them to a more well off area (that’s what they all thought at the time) and then
Spoilershe had to kill her off after the bad guy gets her in the program and then is violently raped & her body dumped somewhere.
and the only girl Nina really looks up to & has nice interactions with is wei who also doesn’t want to have sex?

Mainly disliked how negative everything always was. Hating the government and power to the people, sure, but if sandy wants to act dumb and have men fall at her feet & have sex all day good for her. Especially if it’s considered super normal. You can’t judge people for not knowing different than they’re taught, and you shouldn’t judge them if they do know and choose different than you would.