A review by vaporization
Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler


I loved The Forbidden Library series by Django Wexler when I was younger so thank god this was good; I'm very glad I enjoyed this too.

The world was super cool, and I liked the colorful hair. I enjoyed Maya's perspectives much more than Gyre's, but he was all right too. I think it was because I liked the side characters on Maya's side of the story more than Gyre's. And her perspective was just more fun. The only thing that really frustrated me was Maya and Tanax's rivalry
Spoilerbecause I already knew that they were going to settle their differences by the end; it was pretty obvious after we found out that Tanax was just a good guy with a stick up his ass.

I felt a little bit underwhelmed by the end. I was hoping for a bit more tension between Maya and Gyre, but they didn't even reunite until after the halfway point, and then they didn't spend much time with each other. And the ending was kind of....oh, that's it? But there's the whole rest of the series to come, so I guess this was mostly just setup for that.