A review by jen_baroness_mom
Stir Up by Annabelle Hunter


 Stir Up by Annabelle Hunter is magnificent! I love Lark and her snarky spontaneous, uncontrollable comments.

What happened to Bon? Why are there FBI agents in Barrow Bay?

We start our story with Lark taking a new horse into her barn. This horse has a great pedigree and the stuff to make it to the Olympics. However, for some reason, the horse is underperforming hence why the owner moved the horse to Lark's barn. After a couple of days, Lark is worried that the horse is sick or hurting as it just isn't anything like the videos that Lark has seen of the horse in competitions. However, she is assured by the owner's vet that the horse is fine. Then the horse comes down with colic and dies on the way to the hospital. Lark is beside herself.

Lark has this amazing work ethic and works hard to keep her reputation spotless. Although, it is taking some serious hits lately. She has the gumption to bring everything back together, which is something that I like about Lark. Another thing is even when she feels down, she gets up and does what needs to be done. Lark may not think she is enough, but she is perfect just as she is.

The horse's death isn't the only thing happening in Barrow Bay. Brecken Wilson, aka Captain America, is back in town. Is he here for a case or Lark or both? These two are cute. They are so attracted to each other but are both afraid to commit.

I was like all the other women, hoping he would change for me. I couldn’t believe I was still this dumb. There should be a rule: once a woman turned thirty, she should get an automatic upgrade that stopped stupid things like trying to change people and falling for romantic lies. Especially the lies we tell ourselves. But since no such upgrade existed, I was going to have to muddle through, trying to contain my emotions in the bounds of logic. Because that always worked.
Hunter, Annabelle. Stir Up (Lark Davis Mysteries Book 2) (p. 72). Kindle Edition.

Jen has FBI agents all over her house due to her business partner's insider trading issues. There may be a bit of attraction between Jen and Special Agent A.H. or Nic, as he prefers to be called. Check Number's Up to find the rest of that story.

The sewing circle ladies are still trying to find a candidate to replace the current Chief so he can retire. Lindsey has snitches everywhere, highlighting Lark on her blog to immortalize Lark's actions. I love this town. It is like a California version of Stars Hollow.

Things to look for:
• The bets on Lark's dating choices.
• Lindsey's blog features.
• The Team Captian America and Team Veterinarian shirts
• High tea with Gran
• Blake's response to Lark and Brecken
• Lark and Jen and the things that come out of their mouths. Seriously, no filters.
• Lark's inner voice.
• Lark trying to keep up with her seven-year-old daughter and her Gran.

“You just got Barrow Bay-ed.”
“Did you just use the town’s name as a verb?”
I brought out my mock TV voice. “Do you feel dazed or confused? Have you experienced episodes of extreme confusion? Matchmaking manipulations got you afraid to talk to people? If so, you may have been Barrow Bay-ed. There’s no known cure at this time, except leaving and it’s known to be very contagious. You should exhibit extreme caution at all times when in the presence of all town leaders or old biddies, as they may attack at any time.”
Hunter, Annabelle. Stir Up (Lark Davis Mysteries Book 2) (p. 157). Kindle Edition.

Five Stars
I absolutely love this series. I know I am late getting back to it, but I hope Ms. Hunter has another book coming out this year.

My rating for Stir Up by Annabelle Hunter is five stars. I adore the characters. Their snarky, witty banter with each other and everyone else is perfect. The way that Ms. Hunter wraps the horse world with accounting and mystery in a small town is fabulous. I love the whole concept. Her writing style is perfection. After reading one of Lark Davis Mysteries, I find myself in a good mood. Laughter does that to a person.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Stir Up by Annabelle Hunter.

Until the next time,

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