A review by esthersedition
Oreo by Fran Ross


In short, this is a witty book about a half jewish, half black girl on quest in search of her father.

However, this book was simply just not for me. I don’t know if it’s because it was written quite a while ago but it was confusing to read and probably took a lot longer than it should have though it was only 200 pages.

I normally write quite long detailed reviews about the books I read good or bad, but there is not much to say here, nor did I gain anything or leave with anything enlightening after reading. It was just a witty adventurous story.

If that’s what you like, then you would like this book - but personally I would not recommend it nor did I really enjoy reading this book. Though the most interesting segment would be where Oreo (the protagonist) found herself in Parnell’s strip club.