A review by ambeesbookishpages
Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

So, I never typically read reviews before I read a book. I want to go into review copies as unbiased as possible but I was a little worried. Ignite the Stars has a lot of mixed reviews. Most seem to like it, but some didn't. In my personal opinion I did have a few issues with Ignite the Stars but I still loved it and gave it four stars! Milan started off with some kick ass characters for her debut novel.

Speaking of characters can we take a moment to just admire Ia, (Pronounced Eye - Ah.) I loved how kick ass she was. She starts off as the villain in Ignite the Stars and through out the entirety of the novel we see how much she grows and changes as a character. People she swore to hate and a place she swore to destroy are things she ends up saving ultimately. Brinn never expected to befriend Ia, she is the most dangerous individual in all if the Common Wealth. But pretty soon the two are warming up to each other and developing a bond. Knives is in charge of making sure Ia stays in line, but never did he think that he would feel the way he did for a criminal that his father had spent years hunting. Ignite the Stars is told in three perspectives, giving an interesting insight to the world of Ignite the Stars as well as unique struggles that each character faces through out the novel.

I think that Milan could have built the world of Ignite the Stars up a bit more, you get a pretty clear picture. I would have loved to learn more about how the star systems came to be, how Tawny was destroyed as well as the other foreign planet refugees. I am hoping if there is more books in this world that Milan will expand on it. Regardless it isn't hard to gather a general idea of what is going on in this world. With tensions rising after Ia's capture the Common Wealth is on the break of a civil war over foreign issues.

My big issue with this book and why I took one star of the rating is the pacing is a little fast, as the book jumps around a lot. Though a couple of months pass in the entirety of the book it doesn't feel that way. It just felt a little off in a sense. It was one thing that I had a hard time overcoming.

The romance in this book is totally heart eyes worth. Ia and Knife make the perfect pair and the romance is such a slow burning that it was a sigh of relief when they finally kissed for this first time. I loved to see how they both were trying to over come their attraction for each other, considering the fact that they were suppose to be each others enemy. Brinn sort of has a love interest, it is brushed upon but nothing really happens. I'm hoping if there is another book Brinn does pursue something with this character.

Overall, I really enjoyed Ignite the Stars and loved the idea behind it. I can't wait to see what Milan has in store for these characters next, because after that ending you can only hope/need another book.