A review by curlymunroe
Buns, Volume 3 by Alice Clayton


I love Alice Clayton, and will read anything she writes. I really liked Buns. It brought me back to the same joyous reading high, that I experienced with Nuts. Don’t get me wrong, Cream of the Crop was good, but it was no Nuts. When I opened Buns, and read the first couple of chapters, I was happy dancing in my head. I was hopeful that I would fall in love with Clara and Archie, the way I did with Roxie and Leo. I honestly can say, I was not disappointed. I love a set of characters that have had personal struggle and obstacles. It just makes for a better, more interesting read. At least that’s the case with me.

I knew Clara would be an amazing human being, even with the simple snippets of her personality in the other books. She has an amazing suit of armour going, and has managed to keep all the hurt from her past buried deep beneath the surface of that armour. She’s a tough cookie, with an amazing job, rebranding struggling hotels. Her job brings her to the Hudson River Valley, where she is tasked with helping the Bryant Family, bring their Mountain Inn back to its former glory. Sounds easy, right? No so much. She immediately runs into an huge road block, in the form of Archie Bryant. Archie is the son of the owner, and is severly stuck in the old ways of doing things. His stuffy, stuck up suit persona, only fuels Clara’s determination to make this man bend to her way of doing things. This is the catalyst for some major heat, and tension between these two. There is a ton of push and pull, and at times the angst is off the charts.

There is a whole lot of heart in this book. Both Clara and Archie have their own personal demons to battle, and the progression of their truths, is wonderfully woven into the well paced progress of their story. I honestly have loved the feel of these books, and hate to see it end. I don’t want to spoil anything, or give too much away. This is just a wonderful conclusion to the Hudson River Valley Series.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.