A review by nicolepeck
Silver Screen Kisses by Janette Rallison


My Fair Lacey by Janette Rallison: My Fair Lady is such a classic, fun movie, one of my favorites, so I enjoyed this modern twist on the story that had many references and similarities to the original movie but also had it's own unique approaches to the concept from Shaw's original Pygmalion. It was pretty predictable, but it was still well done and entertaining with a few twists along the way (um, naked hitchhicker...ha ha ha). Very enjoyable, a very entertaining read.

You've Got Email by Heather Tullis: This was a cute story, though extremely predictable and a bit cheesy. Still, I enjoyed the parallel relationships the characters developed and how they eventually came together. The connections to the movie (You've Got Mail) were more subtle in this one.

The Princess Bride of Riodan by Rachelle J. Christensen: I was probably the most excited to read this story in this collection because The Princess Bride is one of my most favorite movies of all time!! Of course, that put me with really high expectations. This story was well-written, but I think I wanted to read it more along the lines of the story following the movie story. Instead, the story connection to the movie was that there was a prince and a commoner and then lots of word-for-word direct movie quotes scattered throughout the story. Sometimes those were perfectly placed, but a few felt a little forced (like the miracle man ones). I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters and also the addition of the other man who expressed and interest in Elise and their dating, so that she had to choose between the two (**SPOILER** secretly, I wanted her to end up with him instead of the prince, which I expected, probably as a red herring, from the many Roman Holiday references!!) (P.S., I'm still waiting for my prince to sweep me off my feet with "as you wish"....ha ha ha ha!!!)

My Best Man's Wedding by Cami Checketts: I loved the characters in this one! So fun!! It followed along pretty well with the movie as far as plot but still had it's own twist and way of telling the story. Marcella was a bit annoying and over the top as a character (more so than her movie counterpart of Cameron Diaz's role), but not in a really bad way -- she still came across as a well-developed, interesting character, although with the shorter nature of the novella, we didn't get to know more about Ross and Marcella's relationship as the story focused more on Jessica and Gentry's relationship. Overall, a fun and entertaining read! (Plus the yummy-sounding pizza recipe at the end!!)

While You Were Skiing by Lucy McConnell: I thought this one was darling, definitely my favorite of the anthology!!! I loved the parallels to the movie, even though it took it's own direction in a lot of ways. I loved the familiarity and tie-in of some of the B&B family from previous stories in this anthology. I enjoyed the romance and play between Mia and Ryder, and the food! ha ha! The grilled tuna melt and the mashed potatoes sounded really yummy!

Overall, I enjoyed this anthology. The novellas are a bit longer than in some of the other anthologies I've read, which I like, gives more time for the characters and story line to develop. While in general they were cheesy, I enjoyed the movie tie-ins and they were entertaining. I look forward to more in this series and from these authors!

**I received a copy of this book to review from one of the authors in exchange for my honest review.***