A review by radicalrachelreads
Hexis by Charlene Elsby


How was I to know I needed some philosophical horror in my life? Maybe I did know and that’s why I bought the Hexis ebook after some man on Facebook mentioned he’d be reading it soon. This January is “ladies first” for me. My whole month’s reading list will be books of horror by women. If the authors are indie authors, even better. Why wait when this book meets all the criteria, I thought. I dove right in as soon as I bought it and could not put it down. I read through the night - highlighting my way through this glorious gem of a book. I was perplexed. I was enlightened. I was amused. I was disgusted. I was mesmerized.
It’s nearly dawn as I write this review because I had to get it out. I need a book club discussion for this book! It’s like nothing I’ve read before. This book will be occupying my headspace for quite some time.