A review by ashjreads
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall


2.75/5 stars, but I'll round it up to 3! EDIT. this is 2/5 stars. I change my mind.

Alexis Hall is a master at writing witty banter. This book is humorous at its core, and that's truly the only part I really liked about it.

The romance between Valentine and Bonny felt like it was quite sudden? They went from not being to tolerate each other to being over the moon for one another. There was no in between stages of their romance with each other. It was very unrealistic to me. I don't even understand why Valentine LIKES Bonny! He betrays his trust multiple times and makes him out to be the villain he isn't. Bonny doesn't even like Valentine for his true self, just the concept of him that he created in his mind.

Listen... (forgive me for how awkward this point is for me to make). I like a smutty book just as much as the next guy who grew up reading a copious amount of PWP fanfic, but this smut.... what is happening here?! The dirty talk was downright uncomfortable for me to read to the point that I was physically recoiling away from the book. Then they're doing it out in public, no less?! My second-hand embarrassment couldn't handle this. It was too much.

All in all, this was something I read for the book club that I'm running. I'm glad I pushed through and finished it, but I probably wouldn't have otherwise.