A review by joyousreads132
Decadent by Shayla Black


WARNING: Mature review for a mature book.

Oh my. What have I gotten myself into?

I polished off this book in no time; not because it’s darn right addictive, or I couldn’t put it down. It’s because I skipped a whole slew of pages. Which parts did I skip, you ask? The sex scenes. Say, what?! For real, yo.

The gist: Kimber wanted to learn about the three-way play that Jesse McCall is into. Jesse McCall is a childhood friend turned pop star sensation that Kimber has been in love with since forever. She’s 23, a virgin – because all this time, she saved herself for Jesse (gag). But first, she needed some education; that’s where Deke and his cousin, Luc comes in.

Deke has been lusting after Kimber since she was seventeen. So when Kimber walked in to Luc’s house asking for a jaw-dropping favor, it’d only make sense that he’d say, “f*ck, yeah!” But Deke saw all the wrongs that could happen if he did and gave Kimber an impromptu lesson right then and there along with some harsh words to remember the moment by. Long story short, Kimber ran off in search of another willing pair to give her the education she needed. Well, Deke would not stand for it. So he took her back and signed on as one of her teachers. These types of things are never easy and no one walks away scot-free. This has disaster written all over it.

The rant: Good golly, Miss Molly. Who saves their virginity for a guy whom you know is a skeeze and is into three-ways? Seriously, who does that? And in any case, how the hell do you expect to keep your virginity if you wanted a lesson in ménage? This book went past ridiculous. About 70% of this novel is sex – which, I didn’t mind but OMG, the sex was torture. Deke was always encumbered with self flagellation and overwhelming guilt afterwards. He was so intense before, during and after the act that I don't know how he could've possibly enjoyed it!

Reading this book is like watching porn: all sex, no plot (not that I'm an expert on porn, per se). The story line is weak at best, and the conflict is manufactured in a way that it felt more like a filler than anything else. There was a little made-up added suspense, which was in no way suspenseful but predictable to say the least.

VERDICT: I don’t get the appeal of ménages and I don’t think I ever will. I’m terminally selfish and am not very welcoming to the idea of sharing – especially in that sense (smirks). And this is why this book didn’t work for me. I skipped the sex scenes because honestly, I couldn’t stand it. Most of the time, I was grossed-out. But that's just me and my personal preference. I’m hoping the rest of the books in this series wouldn’t have such an adverse affect. Otherwise, the remaining four books that I have will remain unread in my shelves.