A review by jlbcasper
Tangled Twosome by Meghan Quinn


Ok I’m fully obsessed with Meghan Quinn. She is the perfect blend of romcom and steam, full escapism at its finest and I can’t get enough. I throughly enjoyed the other books in this series, and I love the little circle of side characters she writes so well and the characters she chooses to expand on.
Racer is a dream. At first I thought it was weird that he was acting like such a miserable hard ass because he was just so silly in the previous book, but once I set that aside and let MQ explain where he was coming from it made more sense. He’s perfect and I love him.
Georgie is not the most fleshed out heroin. Yes she’s a bit of a stock fem protag but she grew on me.
Is the plot predictable; duh. Did is see everything coming a mile away?; duh duh. Was it a delightful read?; completely. Can’t wait to read Smalls story next!