A review by readwithcass
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt


Prison Nation:

4 Stars.

Another book that leaves me wanting to know the rest of the story. I couldn't put this book down, yet another amazing book in this collection. I have not been disappointed yet. I think "Prison Nation" is in a tie with "The Moon Dwellers" for my favorite of the collection so far.

I was not disappointed with the civilization that Merritt created in this novel. I enjoyed the back story that was given and I found that concept of this dystopia to be rather intriguing; still very harsh, but all the same intriguing. I felt it was very well thought out and it didn't leave me with many unanswered questions through out the whole novel.

I thought the pace of the novel was very consistent and moved rather quickly. I felt there was also something happening, and I enjoyed watching the beginning of Millie's journey as a free person. I felt that the setting in which the novel's took place left a lot of description to be desired, and I also felt that for someone who has spent their life in a cage. I didn't find her very intrigued by her surroundings, she gave little detail to the setting and her surroundings. Just a comment for the author perhaps.

Now as far as content goes, I was pleased with the back story of the civilization, its rules and laws. The concept of the prison nation was very well explained. The interactions between characters, well since besides Millie and Reed, my personal favorites were Orrin and Jude. I am left slightly disappointed. I didn't think they were well developed in the story and I hope to see more in future novels. Speaking of Orrin, I was not surprised at all when Orrin turned out to be Reed's father. I saw a lot of foreshadowing when Reed first talked about his family, and I saw that coming a mile away.

Now, as far as Millie goes; her spirit that was probably my favorite part of her character. She was stubborn as a mule and timid with her freedom. You could tell that she was fighting a lot of internal battles through out the novel and I found myself sympathizing with her. I didn't exactly identify with her character as much as I respected her character. I am looking forward to the further development of her character in the next novel. I really enjoyed the interactions between Mille and Reed, at first I thought he was going to turn into a brotherly figure, but from the conversation between Maria and Millie about Reed's affections. I started to fight for a relationship between Millie and Reed, and when I finally got my wish I was very excited. Millie deserves someone like Reed and I cannot wait to see how their relationship develops in the next novel.

So, in conclusion; I loved this novel. I think it clearly deserves the four stars that I gave it. The plot developed well and was fantastic with little predictability for the reader. The characters are intriguing and bring you into the story so easily. I thoroughly enjoyed the world that was created in this novel, and I could see many other people agreeing with me.