A review by rebus
The Complete Badger, Volume 1 by Jeff Butler, Mike Baron


Mike Baron was a puny little wimp who was obsessed with and learning martial arts--he wrote film reviews solely about Westerns and Martial Arts, perhaps the two most bankrupt genres in film history, lauding every film he saw in the local free paper in Madison WI--which he was terrible at, when he conceived of the Badger and Nexus. He even once attempted to punch me in the groin to prove his skill, a move that I deftly avoided due to my high level athletic skills. 

I was working in the Art Department of Capital--yes, the owners failed to realize that we lived in the Capitol city, they were that dumb--at the time, and it became very clear that he was terrified and paranoid, no doubt because he was always praising Ayn Rand and other architects of the Alt Right and had some deep fear of being pummeled in some bar full of punk rockers with leftist attitudes (when he wasn't stealing comic books from the damage bins of the warehouse and office supplies upstairs). Curiously, he had attended Boston College for one semester in the 70s before flunking out and returning to his birth residence in Middleton WI to take the comic world by storm, affecting a Bostonian accent for the rest of his life!

Given his abysmal tastes and pretentious attitudes, it's no surprise that his smug moralizing carries over into his work, all of which is comprised of puerile revenge fantasies as imagined by weak 12 year old boys (which is about the level of his political thinking, as he later went on the become a huge financial supporter of Trump and donates money to Alt Right groups such as the Proud Boys). 

It's sick, sad, stupid stuff that should never have seen the light of day.