A review by rgoodhart
You Could Be So Pretty by Holly Bourne


I found this a tough read in a variety of ways.

Firstly the different language: mask, sin, hair stripping etc. was clever but required a little bit of extra thought/concentration at first. It makes a good point though by challenging the reader to rethink things we just accept.

Secondly the whole challenge to readjust our ideas and attitudes is hard work in some ways.

Thirdly, the shock of some of the more extreme attitudes regarding the treatment of girls and women, particularly in terms of porn etc. made me stop and think about what young women and girls have to deal with today. It may not be being shown openly in screens in schools, but it’s so easily available perhaps we’re not far off that.

Lots of reviews reference The Handmaid’s Tale and Uglies… neither of which I’ve read.

I warmed to both Belle and Joni as the book progresses.

Thank you to Usborne for an early copy. I’ll be recommending this to some of the older/more mature students at my school library.