A review by ameserole
The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright


Somehow never heard of this book/series until this year, month, and weekend.

The Saturdays made me jealous. Pretty sure that's not what most people would think but I mean.. a hair cut and nails done for less than $2? Uh, sign me up for that deal ASAP. I wouldn't even care if my hair was even or if my nails had color. That is a damn deal. A steal even. Now it's like.. $70-100 for a hair cut and $20-40 for nails.

Other than my ranting of that, this was set in the 1940's. So I could easily see why all of that was so cheap. Probably expensive back then.. but dang, I would love that nowadays. Besides being jealous of Mona in that certain situations, the rest of the family had it's cute and funny moments throughout the book.

In the end, I really enjoyed getting to meet and know the characters a bit more. Especially when we got to see what they chose to do on their Saturday. Definitely entertaining.