A review by booagnes
The Wishing World by Todd Fahnestock


Let me ask a question. Who here wouldn't want to be able to make your wishes come true? Have all of your most imaginative creations come to life? To be able to wish something into being? I can tell you one thing, I most definitely would love that! In the Wishing World, our plucky young heroine can do just that, and she puts it to work in an attempt to rescue her family from a mysterious evil.

Lorelei is a strong, smart, and very imaginative 11 year old. She is determined to do everything she can to find out how and why her Mom, Dad, and little brother disappeared. Along her journey, she discovers she has a special power: she can make her dreams and wishes come true! She is a Doolivanti. I rather liked the whole idea that she could write her wishes and make them come true. Like I mentioned before, I would love to be able to do something like that!

She meets a whole cast of characters: a rather brave griffon, a repetitive toucan, a mysterious water princess, and a seemingly-wise mouse... seemingly-wise because Lorelei can't understand a word he says. Together, the odd group travel the land of the Wishing World searching for a way to defeat the Ink King and rescue Lorelei's family. To me, this book was all about staying true to and believing in yourself, loyalty to friends and family, never giving up, teamwork, and the magic that can happen with a bit of imagination. There truly isn't a place more unique, wonderful, and at times terrifying, as the Wishing World. I loved exploring the different landscapes and learning about the dangers and wonders of this world, also known as Veloran. At times I was a bit confused, but then again, so was Lorelei. Since this story is told from her point of view, I feel as though that particular type of storytelling was most successful.

The Wishing World is a fantastic ride that is sure to capture the hearts and imaginations of readers young and old with its wondrous creatures, lush landscapes, brave heroine, and magical spirit!

**The publisher sent me an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, which I originally posted on my blog, She Dreams in Fiction.**