A review by callywog
Want You Still by CE Ricci, Marley Valentine


Will (26) and Pierce (29)
MM, cheating, pen pals, second chance, right guy/wrong time. 
Will: Army guy
Pierce: engineer 
There’s not much about the military in this book in case you were worried it might be political. It’s not. But it IS heart wrenching. For like a third of the book you want to scream and cry simultaneously. But if you’re going to read it, go in blind. 
I kind of loved that the epigraph (before the prologue and playlists) is a quote from Mark Sloan from Grey’s Anatomy!
Pierce, you stupid bitch. 
Who the fuck gets married after knowing someone for a few months!? This story would’ve been better if he were just dating (or even engaged to) Emily. They did not need to rush into that marriage. 
As if you couldn’t take a wild guess (or ask 1 goddamn question!) if your fiancée has 
•a dead dad named Will Thompson
•a deployed brother
•the same last name
How could you forget about him and move on so quickly? Honestly Pierce doesn’t deserve Emily or Will!
I can’t decide how I want to rate this. I could NOT put this down but I couldn’t stomach reading Part 3 either. I was so heartbroken and angry. Excellent writing though. 
5 or 6 spicy scenes. 3.5🔥