A review by pauh94
Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) by Tiffany Truitt


Oh boy, I had such high expectations for this book... the blurb seemed so awesome... and then- BOOM! We get a crappy main character, that is like so many heroines nowadays that follow the Bella-trend, the oh-please-save-me-I-am-useless kind of vibe that is so sad...

ALSO, that love interest? HE SUCKED. Having a love interest that hands you off to a vile, horrible person because they fear being found out? HE IS AWFUL AND SO NOT WORTH IT! I hate when heroines forgive anything and everything their love interest does simply because it was love at first sight.

I honestly couldn't make myself finish it, though I got to a good 3/4 of the book before I quit...

I hope someone else likes it and finds traits in the heroine worth looking up to, maybe traits I failed to see...