A review by coligmueller
Fly With Me by Andie Burke


What an amazing debut! Very rarely have I read a book and been so impressed by how well written and fleshed out!

 Additionally, though Fly With Me has been on my TBR for a while, I was slighlty hesitant because I’m not the biggest fan of fake dating, but the trope worked so well in this book! I loved that the majority of the relationship development happened outside of the fake dating, and that both characters had fully developed lives apart from each other.

Typically when so much happens in a book this length, there are parts that feel rushed, or moments that feel unnecessary, but every scene seemed to build so well onto the story! 

*Possible Spoiler
Typically by the end of a book, especially one which deals with loss and grief, I want the end to have complete closure. However, I so appreciated that Olive did not rush to make peace with the members of her family who hurt her . Often there are moments towards the end of a book like this one, which focus entirely on, what seems to me to be, very forced and often manipulated forgiveness. It was so refreshing to see a character not cave to the pressure to forgive for the sake of not being difficult! 

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