A review by curiouslibrarian
With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child Vol. 2 by Keiko Tobe


(Reusing review from vol 1)
Before I read the first volume of this book, I thought I just lacked the "manga gene." I love American comics, but Japanese comics were incomprehensible to me. But it turned out I was just reading the wrong genres of manga. This book instantly grabbed me, and wouldn't let go. (Which is not to say that I didn't struggle at all with it, just that it was much easier to follow, and gave me an incentive to figure it out when I had trouble.)

I fell for little Hikaru, and soared when he triumphed and sorrowed for his defeats, much like a mother would. I learned much about autism that I didn't already know between this and the first volume. And the interaction of caring for an autistic child in Japanese culture was fascinating.

One thing I liked from a structural point of view was the English translations of sound effects written in small letters alongside the originals. I felt like it allowed the original art and intention to shine through without leaving me, the American reader, behind. It's so much better than the usual lack of translation or glossary in the back.

I would heartily recommend these books. And I would love to know if there are others out there like this in the US!