A review by bookishsamah
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher


I started reading this book at like 1am in the night and the next thing I know, my alarm started ringing at 8am and I’m reading the epilogue. And even after my sacrifice of my much needed 8+ hour sleep, I DONT FEEL AN OUNCE OF SLEEPY AND I WAS JUST WANT THE BOOK TO NEVER END. This book was much fast paced which I was exactly looking for. It has you hooked from the very beginning and doesn’t let you go. If you’re looking for grumpy x sunshine, this is literally your kind of shit. It has to be one of the BEST books portraying that trope. The banter was BANGER, it leaves you wanting so much more. The writing was so good, the character development was TOP NOTCH. I was literally smiling through every single page and every single line. I am not supposed to be smiling like a lovesick fool at my tablet at four fucking am but here I am.

Lauren Asher really did confirm my thing for tall dominant assholes. Seriously. Get me my grumpy billionaire pretty boy who prepares a wholeass book signing event of my favourite author and agrees to watch 17 versions of Pride and Prejudice for me, and literally, not even kidding, ONLY SMILES FOR ME because through this book, I have NOT seen Rowan laughing for anything else other than Zahra’s antics. Rowan is SUCH a simp for her, I love it. Mans was whipped from the moment he laid eyes on her without acknowledging it which got a bit annoying at some parts. Like DUDE. Zahra was such an amazing character. She’s a wild, funny, relatable and overall an awesome girl who you’d want to be best friends with. I loved that she spoke her mind and spoke FACTS. This woman spits FACTS. i loved the hint of Declan and Iris’s love story which I CANNOT WAIT to read next. Terms and Conditions, here I come.