A review by lolasreviews
Scorpio Hates Virgo by Anyta Sunday


I received a free copy through Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

I loved the first book in this series and I've been eager to pick up book 2. But at the same time I was a bit hesitant to start it because I was afraid it wouldn't be as good as book 1 and it sounded like this would be an enemies to lovers book, which is a trope I am not a big fan of. It turns out the enemies to lovers trope was more a friends to lovers which totally worked for me. It wasn't as good as book 1, but that's okay.

Scorpio Hates Virgo follows the story of Percy who is a Scorpio and has a crush on his neighbor Cal, who is a Virgo. They pretend to hate each other and say they're nemesis, but they mostly have a lot of back and forth banter or verbal sparring as they call it. They get on each other nerves and have witty retorts and slowly they realize they don't hate each other at all and maybe they never did.

It's a very slow burn romance, with more of a friend to lovers trope than enemies to lovers. I really liked reading about these two, their back and forth banter was great to read about. And these little hints they might like one another that slowly build up throughout the book are awesome. The start of the book felt a bit slow and I couldn't fully get into it at first, but once I did I had trouble putting it down.

And while I really enjoyed this book there was that slight niggle that it wasn't as good as book 1. In some sense it's the exact same type of book, a good slow burn romance with lots of banter and friends who slowly grow into more. But at the same time it also was very different. And while I really liked the romance, I didn't love it as much as the romance in book 1. And as loved book 1 so much I couldn't help but compare the two books a bit. But it definitely is a great sequel and the author really writes great slow burn romances. And I am eager to read book 3.

This book can easily be read as a standalone. There is a small cameo appearance of the couple from book 1, but it's only a small scene and a phone call. It was a fun touch for those who have read book 1. The mother of one of the main characters in book 1 is a side character in this one. Which I thought was a fun addition and is also the reason how the whole horoscope thing gets added in these books. As she sends her son and daughter the horoscope in book 1 and in this book she sends their neighbors their horoscope.

One thing that this book had and the first book didn't was a great setting. The story focuses around a cul-de-sac and the neighbors that live there and it was like a mini small town, which was awesome. They are such a tight knit group and I loved reading about that. I just wished there had been more of it as I kept forgetting who was who from the neighbors and as much as I got the whole community feel I wouldn't have minded to feel it a bit more and get a better insight in the side characters personalities

I thought both Percy and Cal were great characters to read about. We only get the story from Percy's point of view, but get to know Cal quite well too as he's the love interest. Percy is still grieving as his Aunt just died and now he inherited her house and plans to sell it. Percy has been hurt before and feels like everyone he cares about leaves him. And I felt so bad for him at times and wished he would get someone that cared for him and wouldn't let go and it's so awesome when he finds that person in cal. I also liked how helpful and caring Percy was, with massaging (he's a masseur) and helping other characters. He seemed a genuinely nice person.

Cal made for a great love interest with how he was there for Percy and the things he did for him that we only later realize and even the lies he tells so he can connect more with Percy. I liked his dinosaur obsession and love for dictionaries, although I wouldn't have minded to see this come into play a bit more. While Percy is gay, for a long time we're not 100% sure that Cal is as well or what exactly his sexual orientation is, until the end.

I have to admit I didn't really care for the whole house plot line. Percy inherits his aunts house and plans to sell it, but others try and convince him to stay. I've read so many books that do this and I just knew by the end he would keep the house and I dislike having to go through the drama of whether he will sell it or not. And frankly in this book I would've liked more of Percy's thought process about the house as I felt like now it was kept a bit of a mystery what he was thinking and I didn't really care for that and had rather understood his doubts and emotions.

That's actually another small complaint I had. It felt there were so many great topics addressed in this book, that were only touched upon. Percy's grief, his fear of people leaving him, Cal's struggle with his sexuality, Cal's dad that left, Ellie who was a bit down, the cul-de-sac neighbors, Percy's cousin Frank, Cal's masters, Cal's dinosaur obsession and I am sure I am forgetting some things. Anyway there was a bunch of emotional issues and potential story lines that I would've liked to see explored a bit more. It feels like they get touched upon, but not explored as much as I would've liked. The book stays pretty light hearted and I wouldn't have minded if it got a bit more emotional at times. There's one or two scenes were Percy really bares his heart and there were great and I would've liked a bit more of that.

To summarize: Scorpio Hates Virgo is a great slow burn romance and I loved seeing it all play out. It has more of a friends who pretend to hate each other to lovers trope than a real enemies to lovers trope. I liked both Percy and Cal and their romance was great to read about. I liked seeing them slowly grow closer and closer. The romance has only a little heat toward the end, but is mostly a very sweet romance. These two were great together and I enjoyed seeing them figure it all out. I did miss something in this book that the first book did have and I am not entirely sure what it was. There were a few side plot lines and some issues that I would've liked to see explored a bit more. I liked the tight community of neighbors who live on the cul-de-sac where Cal and Percy lived. I didn't really care for the house plot line. It was a very addictive read that I had trouble putting down once I got past the first few chapters. There was a small way it tied in with the first book and a cameo appearance of the first books couple and the other of the main character in the first book is a side character here too. Which was a nice touch, but I think it also works perfect as standalone. I really like how this author writes slow burn romances and I hope to pick up book 3 soon.