A review by radicalrachelreads
The Nightmare Girl by Jonathan Janz


The action starts right away in The Nightmare Girl with a scene that stirs up feelings. For a couple of years in the past, I was a case manager for New Jersey’s child protection agency so the beginning hit me hard. Even before I got that job I’d always been the type of person to insert myself into situations if I saw something bad happening. It’s just my nature and in some cases I’ve ended up sticking my nose in and paying for it some way or another but never as bad as it turned out for Joe. If I knew things would turn out so badly would I still insert myself? Probably because I just can’t help it. I hate seeing human children and animals being hurt. I just can’t look the other way as hard as I try.

Anyway, I really liked the premise of the story and most of the execution but I did find Joe’s sexy time with his wife cringe worthy and some of their joking around got on my last nerve. I’m not sure if I was bothered because of the narrator; it’s possible it would have been different had I read it on my own. I feel that I didn’t get as close to the characters as I could have had I related to them a bit more. Besides the fact that I thought Joe was cool for stepping in at the gas station, I could not see myself hanging out with him or his family.
I’m more of a solitary cat lady and don’t want to play choo choo train with toddlers.

Thank goodness for the fire cult information and scenes with the cult members because that’s where it’s at. Those parts definitely make me forget the parts I wasn’t as fond of in the book. I’m ready to try another from Jonathan Janz!