A review by minayana
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
I really like the author as an influencer, and the premise seems fun and there’s so much hype are this book. I start reading and I realize….this book is kind of stupid. Writing is very surface level and cringy, MC is annoying, she immediately starts changing her mind about her revenge plot once she meets the guy cause she’s attracted to him and then changes her mind again. This novel is marketed as feminist but from the 20% I read, the MC is the exception and every other girl is happy to live under the patriarchy and die for men. She also seems to hate every other woman she meets? Yeah, this was a huge disappointment. I decided to read some reviews to see if I should dnf or not, and what I read makes me think that this book won’t get any better for me. I’m sad cause I really like the author and was excited for the poly rep, but yeah this book definitely isn’t for me.

Side note: I knew this had disabled rep in it, and I thought it was really interesting how the MC’s disability comes from her bound feet. Great cultural touch to the book!