A review by craftygoat
52 Projects: Random Acts of Everyday Creativity by Jeffrey Yamaguchi


I'm not sure how long this has been sitting on my shelf, unread (like so many other books). But it probably would have been a better fit for that younger Me who bought it, the one who did things like Nanowrimo. Today's Me is a mom, and besides (it dawned on me as I was reading) already has lots of ideas for projects and doesn't really need to read other people's project ideas. I had started this book at the beginning of the new year, thinking I might do one of his projects (or a similar spin-off kind of project) per week, but the projects didn't end up appealing to me. I also felt like there were too many somewhat-repetitive preliminary chapters. But some of the stuff at the end was good: Project 52, the encouragement to write things down & take pics, a few of the resources (the ones that aren't gone by now, anyway). 3.5.