A review by gabmc
The Lost Quilter by Jennifer Chiaverini


3 and 1/2 stars for this one. This author gets better and better and I'm getting sadder and sadder as I'm reaching the end of this 2o book series. Jennifer Chiaverini travels back in time to the American Civil War and a character she first introduced in about book 3 or 4, Joanna, a runaway slave. Joanna was re-captured and sold to another owner further south, making her chances of escaping again even harder. I still find it hard to believe that as little as 200 years ago, slavery existed .... but then I heard a statistic on a podcast today that the richest 8 people in the world own the equivalent of the poorest 3.6 billion people - so I guess maybe we haven't come as far forward as I would like to think.