A review by timefliesaway
A Darkness of Dragons by S.A. Patrick


Damn— the amount of frustration, in a thrilling and desperate and exciting sense, this book gave me, is endless. Even now, as of writing the review, that feeling still hasn’t ebbed away, eager of wanting to read the 2nd book.

The feelings described above mostly came from the never ending “what if?” questions, that the plot gave you.
Once you think your thought-through theory makes the most sense, something else is revealed that creates a loophole in your theory. Even if you stick to it and be like “oh, well, everything has a catch”, you know, deep down, that it COULD come out differently.
For me, well, it ate me up.
Most of the time I was like “yes, that must be it now.” But even then, I questioned my guts and was like “... but what if not?”.
The author really made sure that you never feel 100% certain.

And as much of a frustration I had to go through – mostly because I was fearing that my beloved characters could all be plottwist villains –, I also love it.
Only few authors made me feel throughout a whole book like that. And that screams TALENT!

I was never once bored reading those 390 pages, always thrilled to find out what will happen next, and if my theories match up.
Some theories of mine ended up true though, but most revelations were a plottwist for me.

Also, for those who were tricked by beautifully illustrated covers of middle-grade-books before: fear not, the cover of this book is perfect for the story. It covers it on point and I wouldn’t know how to make it better!