A review by suze_1624
Beggars and Choosers by Mia Kerick


Enjoyed it.
Didn't mind the language issues others have raised - set the boys in their environment.
Wanted to hug the shit out of Cory.
Wanted to kill Stephen Pacey - not sure that that there wasn't a threat still lurking for them.
Feelings on Brett went up and down - liked him, loved him, wanted to slap him, didn't believe his 'older' attitude really, not certain that in the future he wouldn't be a bit smothering
A HFN ending, would like to know the next part of their story

21.9.16 reread : mmm, not so enamoured this time, found it more frustrating and perhaps a tad overlong.
I still enjoyed the overall story, the changing pov chapters are headed so with that and the distinct voice styles it is easy to keep track of who is talking.
Still feel annoyed by the attitude of all the adults in this story for either doing too little or by encouraging wrongness - Brett at least is doing something.