A review by amanizaha
Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals by Patricia Lockwood

The problem I have with poetry is that it never makes sense and always makes me feel stupid.

I started this an optimist, about my own capacities as well as Lockwood's prose, and finished it a defeated person. Because I surrender. I do not know what it is about People That Get Poetry that grants them access to some private, abstract wisdoms which mere halfwits like me cannot even begin to comprehend, but I just don't Get It. If anything were to allow me even a fleeting appreciation for the world of poetry, I thought it would be Lockwood's wonderfully absurd writing; yet now I'm here with another underwhelming experience and I'm thinking we just aren't meant to be, poetry and I. Sometimes it's just the idea we're in love with. :-//

(Removing my rating for this because it doesn't feel justified lol.)