A review by blodeuedd
The Captive by Grace Burrowes


Poor Christian. When you talk about heroes who has suffered, well Christian truly did. He spent months being a captive of the French. Being sadistically tortured and abused. This is a broken hero that comes back to England.

At first I did not think of it, it was first later on in the book that it hit me. Yes Christian is the obvious captive. But so was Gillian. She spent 8 years in a bad marriage. She was as much of a captive as he had been. Just abused in another way. The same goes for Lucy, Christian's daughter who has been silent since her mother died. Another captive of herself.

Gillian is perfect for Christian. Of course she wants to heal him, but mostly she just wants to be there. Be a friend, get him home so Lucy would be ok. She saw his scars and did not shy away. She was used to it all. I liked her for it. She was the calm he needed in the storm. And he also healed her.

I do like Burrowes books so no wonder I enjoyed this one too. Two broken characters. Moving on in their own ways, facing their fears and falling in love.