A review by taliyahslibrary
The Canary Cowards by Jescie Hall

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
I really think this book has a lot of potential. I am someone who LOVES the athlete x physical therapist trope, so I was really hoping to fall in love with this book. Unfortunately, I just cannot connect with the characters šŸ˜© The mmc is kinda insufferable šŸ˜… Which normally wouldnā€™t bug me because Iā€™m all for a redemption arc, but I just cannot get on board with his thoughts and behavior. It seems like the author was trying to go for a charming but heā€™s just annoying. I actually really the fmc but there certain scenes where I feel like sheā€™s acting out of character (if that makes sense). Like sheā€™s established as a go-getter, as someone that is headstrong, and takes no BS, but then all of a sudden sheā€™s doing stupid things because of her ā€œattractionā€ to the MMC...I donā€™t know it just feels off.  I also feel like the beginning of the book was rushed.  They went from being standoffish, to hating each other, to all of a sudden being so attracted to each other they keep doing and saying stupid things. Itā€™s confusing. Maybe Iā€™ll come back to it and give it a second chance, idk. I just donā€™t have the patience or desire to continue reading rn.