A review by mapscitiesandsongs
The Girl on the 88 Bus by Freya Sampson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
Boy, I am surely glad I dnfed this after reading some reviews.
The surprise pregnancy trope with the ex? Really?!

The first 15% were interesting. After that I noticed many small things that kept bothering me. First of all, Libby was just so unlikeable and I genuinely thought she was a teenager apart from the times she mentioned her job. Her view of other people was so teenager-like it actually hurt, e.g. when she was surprised that Dylan actually had thoughts like a normal human being. She made it out as if punks are some kind of alien species. There was also a passage where she mentioned that she gained some pounds and that she has to be careful with her food from now on. Really?! We are still including stuff like that. 

Overall, the characters felt so stereotypical and cliché…especially her sister. I couldn‘t take it seriously because of how cartoonish everything was. 

This is the second book I have dropped by this author and I am absolutely not going to try a third one.